Today was going to be the first day that I knuckled down and started to blog on a regular basis. Not regular as in once a month, or even once a week but words on a page (almost) every day.
So far I have :-
Twittered, a lot
Tidied my e.mails- all 11 pages in my in-box
Made bread - last done over a year ago
Hoovered behind the sofa - well I did do it in October when the new one was delivered
Updated my address book - using cards we received at Christmas 2008
Folded all the bedlinen - possibly never done before
Tidied my underwear drawer - mists of time
Cleared the lawn of dog poo - man's job
Ironed his shirts - it's 4 years since I last did any ironing
Transferred stuff from last years diary to this year's (and worried about that apostrophe)
Displacement activity ? Oh yes, but having made a start perhaps it will get easier.
If not, at least the house will be tidier.
this may be me later on- well minus ironing shirts. If procrastinating were an Olympic sport I think I could take the gold easily!
This post made me laugh. More of the same, forget the ironing please!
Helena xx
House work is the most thankless task, I like making bread though and I actually enjoy ironing .. mad yes I know.. but much prefer to Tweet and blog x
Henri, your post *spoke* to me in so many ways.
I was resolved at the start of this year to blog once weekly. We are almost at January's end and I completed, er, one, the two which are on the boil are most certainly stewed by now.
Am seriously considering relocating to a treehouse in the Sierra Madre; the benefits of warmth, minimal leaf sweeping and eating food which requires no cooking are not to be sniffed at.
I also strongly feel that it is time to release the children back into the wild.
Good to see you back in fine writing form!
Rose - procrastination is a much maligned art form. Practice makes perfect
Helena - thank you
Wildernessechic - Oh me too, is there any housework that doesn't have to be repeated ad nauseum ? Defeated before you begin.
Dee - Thank you, this is the pay off for giving up work. Silent One wants to see I am thinking as well as Tweeting !
Congratuations! You have just completed the average tasks in a writer's day. Welcome to the world of advanced procrastination LLGxx
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