My profile picture is "Marianna" a painting by J E Millais illustrating one of Tennyson's poems. All very romantic and thought provoking, the poor, abandoned woman, deserted by her fickle lover, look at all that lovely iconography waiting to be teased out
I always thought of it as "the woman with the bad back."
The picture on my title banner is a pair of shoes I bought some years ago from a dangerously addictive website . Not all of them are hooker shoes, but I would imagine a good few of them could be blamed for appointments with a chiropractor.
I like the connection, albeit subliminal.
Chocolate Covered Dates
1 day ago
Long soaky baths. Boots own brand gel inserts for the teetering heel. Loving the connection though - red is, after all, the colour of danger...
My profile picture is "Young girl reading" by, er, some bloke. The irony being that I haven't been called "a young girl2 for some time now. Although given that I am vastly tall and started looking about 30 when I was about 15, I hadn't really had a chance to get used to it anyway...
Love those shoes! And red is one of my faves of all time. My profile pic is red wine. :)
Wow! Been off to drool over the shoes.
Get thee behind me Satan!
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