As I said earlier, Wednesdays are mine, and today was a corker. The virtuous making elements were better than expected, paying in 2 cheques, liberating funds from the education fund (Apparently you just can't do photography without an Apple Mac) and returning a pair of shoes that were so expensive they had made my eyes water. The only problem was that with a 4 1/2" heel and a smidgeon too small (even though I bought my size) wearing them made my eyes water too. At least I had the pleasure of owning them and crooning to them for a few short days. Thank you Net a Porter xx.
So, anyway, today, coffee with a friend this morning, and the world was firmly put to rights (you can all sleep easy in your beds now !). A visitette to a bookshop where I did indulge in a couple of the books LucyF has flagged up on her sidebar. Lunch with a friend, a brief shop with daughter ( a very determined** 17 year old) during which no blood was spilt, and then......... afternoon tea at Bettys (best of all it was free - thanks Mum ) with a chum who lifts the heart. Oh, it was amazing - little cakes on twiddly stands, scones, teeny sandwiches, tea with strainers and hot water jugs, I was all ready to come home to Revolution Road ! Is it possible to be a lady who lunches and yet still an acceptable member of society ? Answers on no more than two sides of A4.
And now the day draws to a close, with a sin I am not sure I dare admit. Four episodes back to back of Neighbours........ I blame Boychild, as I started watching 20 years ago when on maternity leave. Determined to retain some semblance of grey matter, I would sit down and watch the News every afternoon. The problem was that weary, wide, pregnant arse found it very hard to stand up again, and there I was, hooked. My only defence is I don't do Corrie, Home and....., Hollyoaks or even 'Stenders, but happy, smiley, even if things go t*ts up you know that "it'll be right" Neighbours holds me in its thrall.
I am sooooo sorry.
** the translation of "determined" in this instance, is arsey, petulant, arrogant and fairly objectionable if thwarted. (She really is my daughter !)
Chocolate Covered Dates
1 day ago
I am DYING to visit Bettys (or Betty's?). Is it in Harrogate? (My Granny lived there so happy memories). GOD, I LOVE Neighbours. Watched it at school, then picked up again when preggers - and my GOD isn't it AMAZING how Stefan Dennis hasn't aged at all? He looks brilliant. And how Elle looks EXACTLY like Nicole Kidman? And how those actresses who play the Italian sisters LOOK like sisters???? Haven't seen it for a while but might just have to go have a peep tomorrow....
Oh Betty's... the pearl of the North! I remember having the most amazing ginger cake there years ago. I don't think I've watched Neighbours since the late 80s! And the silent but palpable disapproval of Mr F put paid to my Corrie habit. Now I only seem to get hooked on things like Lost, The Wire, and Desperate Housewives - which all have starts and finishes to each discrete series. Also (no disrespect to Stefan Dennis intended) hotter men...
PS Which books did you get?
PPS Just seen your photo and am relieved to see that you're not my friend Lynn - does this happen a lot in the blogworld?
Errrrrrrrrrrr...I don't FANCY Stefan Dennis!!!! He's just aged well. Don't it make you feel good?!
Gah, I am so envious about Bettys. I have to eke out a sad existence with Bettys by Post. I am a York gal. Which one was it? York, Harrogate, Ilkley? Jealous jealous.
Also, I need to know about the returned shoes. What were they LIKE?
RR - Bettys is in several places in Yorkshire, Harrogate is the best from the point of view of space and location, and in the process of expanding atm. There is a new and rather minimalist one at Harlow Carr, the RHS garden a couple of miles from the centre, where you can run the children ragged prior to entering the hallowed portals (very useful if you have any fears re behaving, not that Bettys pull faces but some of the punters can). There are also branches in York and Ilkeley (so there is more to do than buying hats !)
I suspect SD has a portrait hidden in an attic hence fighting off the years (at 50 myself I want to know the secret !), fancy wise for me it was always Henry (naked in the fernery !!! La !)
LF - Love Lost - sadly my son looks exactly like Sawyer so I have to take great care not to let it get too Freudian. Other things I make a point of watching are "ER", DH, but that has to be with girlchild, also got hooked in to something called "Last Man Standing" to complicated to explain but go hunt out itwas fascinating.
No I am not Lynn, in spite of a number of alter ego(s)? over the years, photo is slightly optomistic and may post a furtherone with the usual furrowed brow and glasses look ! Ginger cake could be arranged if needed.
Jaywalker - Thank you for visiting, the Bettys I normally go to is the one in Harrogate as it is just up the road - yum, but dangerous.
The shoes I sent back are on my side bar........ still missing them dreadfully, but there is a glimmer of virtue and i can walk past the bank without putting a bag over my head now. The ones on my title header I do own and they are great fun. (I am also lusting after the Alexander McQueen side button ankleboots and the Louboutin "Trotte Avec Moi" boots, the feeling is remarkably like being in love with the best looking boy in the class who doesn't know you exist ! You just know it ain't going to happen...)
If anyone does fancy a trip (back) to the heathen North if only to visit Betty's let me know, we seem to supply "tour guides" or have "campers" on a regular basis, likewise supplies to the outposts of the Empire can be arranged !
Oh my god! WV is 'north'. Spooky.
Am often in York stocking up on tea room blend and fondant fancies and insulting my relatives. We should try and meet next time.
Am up for it too - my Aunt (whi s a Penguin books dealer) lives near Settle and have been promising to visit her for ages - plus some v dear friends are moving back to Harrogate this Summer - will let you know when we're planning to come!
HOWEVER. Henry?!!! With the curly mullet and the infuriating laugh??? SURELY NOT....
Just realised my Lynn comment probably sounded bizarre - I hasten to reassure you that she is ALSO gorgeous, redhaired, a mother of two and owner of a Great Dane, Northern, and a compulsive buyer of lovely shoes particularly the special red-soled ones... You can see where the suspicion formed... Will take you up on that ginger cake though next time I'm passing!
Have loved catching up with you - I don't know Betty's, but would definitely consider driving up North for a tea like that. Lovely dog too - I don't normally like them much, but a dog that can eat firelighters has to be a star! Thanks for putting me on your list - v. kind. Margot xxx
PS Those shoes were GORGEOUS...
it appears as though you had a more fantastic end of the week as compared to my own, personal! ha ha, my spouse and i expended the idea studying regarding finals. ughhh.
wonderful blog site, incidentally!
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