I need this dress, if I am very good I might let myself buy it - the trouble is, I suspect when wearing it I will be tempted to be very bad. (Or, if alcohol is involved, wear bunny ears )
Not as old in my head as I am in birthdays..... a lover of giggling, intensity, grunge, couture and other glorious and inexcusible contradictions.I love to sleep under the Sunday papers, to stroke amazing shoes, to eat good food and travel to see beautiful art. Yes, that does include Titian, the man who perfected the curved (nb. delicate euphemism) red head.
Husband of nearly 28 years - silent type, (maybe because he never gets a chance to say much, although I suspect it's just he's a silent type.)
Boychild - Nearly 22, at Uni doing something geeky (ie I don't understand it) and doing it so well he has just been offered an M.Eng. Recently joined the human race and rather good fun.
Girlchild - 20, we used to fight like cat and dog but are now at a state of wary neutrality. Also believes she owns my car - if you are reading this you don't ! Still pining desperately for life in the USA although recently Australia has entered the equation.
Assorted friends who I consider myself lucky to have.
Sister - Whiz kid, considerably younger than self who does not understand shoe envy.
Parents - Will only be mentioned if I am feeling very brave or very needy.
and yours truly
the product of chocolate, cocktails, Prozac and a vivid imagination ......" I was born to speak all mirth and no matter. ".... thank you Beatrice
However, in my head I am one of these charming ladies
GORGEOUS. This is when a rack comes into its own. You MUST get it.
ONLY with blood-red shoes. What a fantastic dress - where's it from?
PS Word verification thing = felates. No comment.
gorgeous isn't it ? And red shoes goes without saying, the trouble is - which pair ?!
YES! Buy it and be bad!!
this is just too cool for words! :)
great job!
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